Climate Assembly UK is grateful for the engagement and input of a number of prominent business, faith and civil society leaders from across UK society.
These individuals received a briefing on Climate Assembly UK in December 2019 and had the opportunity to provide comments.
Dame Carolyn Fairbairn
Director-General, CBI
“Throughout 2019, businesses and the public around the UK have shown just how important the future of our planet is and how keen they are to protect it. Citizens’ Assemblies are an excellent way of directly engaging the public on national climate action and I am delighted to be involved.”
Joanna Haigh CBE FRS
Emeritus Professor of atmospheric physics and recent co-director of the Grantham Institute on climate change at Imperial College London.
“Climate change is the most serious issue addressing humankind today and all of us will need to work together to find and implement solutions. The Climate Assembly offers a marvellous opportunity for the government to identify the major concerns of the population and, importantly, to listen to ideas for reducing climate impacts on lives, livelihoods and the environment.”
Rt Rev Nicholas Holtam
Lord Bishop of Salisbury and Church of England lead on the environment
“The impact of climate change is now widely and deeply felt. Our responses will be spiritual and moral as well as technical and political. The Anglican Church is committed ‘to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. I am glad to support the Citizens’ Assembly in what is a deeply important process and urgent priority.”
Anabel Hoult
CEO, Which?
“Lots of people are becoming increasingly aware of environmental and sustainability issues, and it's playing an increasing role in our daily lives - from how we travel to what we eat and buy. Understanding the views of people across the country is vital to inform the wider debate as the UK works to reach its 2050 net zero target.”
Geraldine Howley OBE
CEO of Incommunities Group and Chair of the Chartered Institute of Housing’s governing board
“The homes we live in are responsible for a significant amount of the country’s C02 emissions. The housing industry has both a key role to play and much expertise to support the UK’s target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.”
Minette Batters
President, National Farmers' Union
“Climate change is the challenge of our time and agriculture is uniquely placed to be part of the solution as both an emissions source and a sink. So I look forward to hearing the Assembly’s conclusions on how the UK reaches its net zero emissions target.”
Harun Khan
Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain
“With the rapidly growing global concern over climate change and the need for urgent action the formation of this Climate Assembly by the UK parliamentary Select Committees is a welcome initiative. I look forward to supporting the committees in my capacity as Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain.”
Edmund King OBE
AA President
“The climate crisis can only be tackled with cross-party agreement rather than solely by arbitrary government targets or declarations. We also need total buy-in from all our citizens to change the way we live, travel, shop and work. The Climate Assembly will be a credible catalyst for change by bringing the people on that journey.”
Professor Lord Krebs
Emeritus Professor of Zoology Oxford University, Former Member of the Climate Change Committee and Chair of the Adaptation sub Committee
“Climate Change is the defining issue of our time. Without action now, we will leave an uninhabitable planet for our children and their children. The Climate Assembly will play a key role in helping to inform all who need to take action: individuals, businesses, local government and community groups, and, crucially central government.”
Martin Lewis OBE
“Climate change is an individual issue just as much as a political one. While attitudes in the UK are changing, actions, especially those that involve lifestyle change, don’t necessarily follow as quickly. And it’s exactly because tackling climate change mixes personal and policy choices that makes it the perfect candidate for a Citizens Assembly. To take a group of engaged Citizens, present them with the facts and options, is the right theatre to discover where our society feels.”
Dr Helena MᶜKeown
Chair of the BMA’s Representative Body
“Climate change is a major threat to our health, our children’s, and for future generations. It is vital that the public, through the citizens’ assembly, has a voice in shaping policy to deliver the Government’s promised carbon neutral future; such collaboration has huge potential to tackle this public health emergency.”
Deirdre Michie OBE
Chief Executive, OGUK
“I’m delighted to be contributing to and supporting the UK Parliament’s first climate assembly on the path to net zero and I’m appreciative to everyone for committing their time to be part of this important and democratic process. Ensuring we deliver a sustainable, inclusive and fair transition to a net zero carbon emissions future is critical.”
Ephraim Mirvis
Chief Rabbi
“Climate change has presented us with one of the most profound challenges ever faced by human civilisation. It is a problem that we have neglected for too long. Yet, there is still time for us to act. I believe that the work of the Climate Assembly UK, informed by experts and the invaluable opinions of members of the British public, will make an effective contribution to policy-making across government. I am delighted to be a part of this crucial initiative, and hope that it ultimately helps provide an impetus to individuals everywhere to truly challenge themselves, in ways that will benefit future generations who will inherit our precious world.”
Nick Molho
Executive Director, Aldersgate Group
“To make a successful transition to net zero emissions, the UK needs to put in place long lasting policies that are backed across the economy and society. Developing solutions through the Climate Assembly is an essential part of this process.”
His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Gerard Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster
“I commend the work of the assembly in addressing this important issue. Process is essential as public engagement in this pressing challenge is critical in shaping policy that will affect future generations.”
Frances O'Grady
General Secretary, Trades Union Congress
“I’m delighted to offer the trade union movement’s support to the Climate Assembly UK and to everyone for taking part. It’s vital that the voice of working people is heard and helps shape a just transition to a net zero carbon future.”
Stephen Phipson CBE
Chief Executive, Make UK
“Climate Change is one of the biggest global challenges humanity is having to face and we can only resolve it by all of us working together. Profound changes need to happen at all levels of society and the economy to meet the net-zero emissions target. Consumers need to travel, buy, and use energy in their homes sustainably, producers need to make products responsibly and Governments need to create an environment conducive to a rapid but just transition. The UK’s manufacturers are committed to minimising their carbon impact while developing the innovative products and services needed to support the shift to a net-zero economy. The Climate Change Citizens’ Assembly is a very positive signal that society is willing to step to the challenge and Make UK stands ready to contribute to this collective effort.”
Jonathon Porritt
Founder Director, Forum for the Future
“Addressing today’s Climate Emergency is going to be very challenging, with actions needed from all sectors of the economy and all individuals. But it’s absolutely crucial that these discussions are shared much more widely than is the case today, and the Climate Assembly is an imaginative and potentially game-changing way of doing exactly that.”
Dr Nina M Skorupska CBE FEI
Chief Executive, REA – The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
“The UK is committed to meet net zero by 2050 and this will be no mean feat. The 110 people making up the UK’s first Climate Assembly have a vital role in shaping how we will get this done and bring everyone with us. I look forward to supporting them in their deliberations and debates!”
Beccy Speight
Chief Executive, RSPB
“Getting to Net Zero by 2050 or before is crucial for the UK and for the world. I can’t wait to see the solutions that the Climate Assembly debates and recommends. There are some important choices to make.”
Matt Wrack
General Secretary, Fire Brigades Union
“With the global climate hurtling towards catastrophe, a citizen’s assembly on climate change has never been more vital. Firefighters are on the frontline in this emergency, tackling flooding and wildfires here in the UK and across the globe. The devastating wildfires in Australia are a clear warning: urgent steps are needed to save the planet. The government must listen carefully and urgently address the recommendations of the assembly.”
Sir Simon Stevens
Chief Executive, NHS
“With almost 700 people dying potentially avoidable deaths due to air pollution every week we are facing a health emergency as well as a climate emergency. While the NHS is already a world leader in sustainability, as the biggest employer in this country comprising nearly a tenth of the UK economy, we're both part of the problem and part of the solution Climate Assembly UK will be looking at. That's why today we are mobilising our 1.3million staff to take action for a greener NHS, and it's why we'll be working with the world’s leading experts to help set a practical, evidence-based and ambitious date for the NHS to reach net zero.”