At the second weekend, assembly members heard an introduction to issues around where our energy comes from. They then broke into three groups to hear detailed evidence on specific areas for reducing emissions: how we travel, in the home, what we buy, and land use, food and farming. These relate to how we use energy, land and materials.
For each of the topics, assembly members heard evidence on alternatives for both what the UK could do to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and how it should do it (for example, whose role it is and who should bear any costs).
Read the agenda for each group here:
Group one - how we travel
Group two - in the home
Group three - what we buy, and land use, food and farming
On each agenda page, click through the links to see speakers' presentations, videos and transcripts.
Friday 7th February
Table introductions
Dr Alan Renwick, the Constitution Unit at University College London - considering evidence livestream
Saturday 8th February
Panel - where our energy comes from livestream
Professor Jim Watson, University College London
Jenny Hill, Committee on Climate Change
Panel Q&A livestream
Rachel Reeves MP addresses the Assembly and Q&A livestream
The assembly breaks into three groups to hear evidence on: How we travel, In the home, and What we buy, and land use, food and farming. Follow the links for the agendas, including livestream schedule.
Sunday 9th February
The assembly continues in three groups: How we travel, In the home, and What we buy, and land use, food and farming. Follow the links for the agendas, including livestream schedule.