Climate Assembly UK met over a total of six weekends - some were in-person and some were online.
What happened at each weekend of Climate Assembly UK?
Climate Assembly UK took place over three weekends in Birmingham from January to late March 2020, and a further three online weekends from April to May 2020 following the UK's coronavirus outbreak. The 108 assembly members came from all walks of life. They heard evidence from a broad range of stakeholders and researchers and then discussed the issues in depth with other members - including those with very different views to their own. The assembly then reached conclusions on what the UK should do to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and how it should do it.
On the first weekend, the whole assembly met together for an introduction to climate change. For most of weekends two and three, the assembly broke into groups to enable in-depth discussion of specific topics. These will focus on different ways in which we use energy, land and materials. The final set of issues the Assembly addressed, including coronavirus and negative emissions technologies, were discussed over three online weekends.
To view footage of the Assembly, and read transcripts and speakers' presentations click through to each weekend.
Weekend 1
At the first weekend assembly members met together for a full day of presentations and discussions on Saturday, and a half-day on Sunday. The assembly heard from a range of speakers on what climate change is, its impacts and the challenges around reducing emissions.
Weekend 2
At the second weekend, assembly members heard an introduction to issues around where our energy comes from. They then broke into three groups to hear detailed evidence on specific areas for reducing emissions: how we travel, in the home, what we buy, and land use, food and farming. These relate to how we use energy, land and materials.
Weekend 3
At the third weekend, the assembly discussed and decided on a range of recommendations on what the future should look like in, and on the way to, a net zero society and the different policy options that would get the UK there.
Weekend 4 (online)
At the first of three virtual weekend sessions, the whole assembly convened via video conferencing to hear and consider detailed evidence on the topic of where our electricity comes from.
Weekend 5 (online)
At the second online weekend, the assembly heard presentations on different ways of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and arguments about the extent to which the UK should or should not rely on these technologies in order to reach the net zero by 2050 target.
Weekend 6 (online)
At the final weekend, assembly members reviewed the decisions they reached throughout the assembly to ensure they accurately captured their views. The assembly also discussed coronavirus and possible links and considerations for climate change.