Every Climate Assembly UK weekend was live-streamed on the homepage of the website, and archived recordings and transcripts are available.
Transparency was a key consideration for the Climate Assembly UK team. The Climate Assembly UK website contains information including:
- Videos of all speakers' presentations to the assembly, along with their slides and transcripts of what they said;
- Videos of question and answer sessions with speakers that took place in plenary, along with transcripts of those sessions;
- All written briefings given to assembly members;
- Full lists of the assembly's Expert Leads, Advisory Panel members, Academic Panel members and the organisations involved in delivering the assembly, along with minutes of Advisory Panel meetings.
All speaker presentations to the assembly live-streamed online. The assembly was also open to a wide range of media, stakeholders, officials and politicians so that they could observe the assembly's proceedings.
The drive for transparency was balanced against the need to protect assembly members' identities. Assembly members all had a choice about whether or not to take part in media interviews, photos and audio/video footage of the assembly. It was also their decision whether or not to reveal their identity on social media. To protect the identity of assembly members, some sessions were not live-streamed such as private deliberations and round-table Q&As. Sessions for livestream were marked with a livestream tag.
You can see all the live and archived footage of the assembly, as well as presentation slides and transcripts by clicking the links on each weekend's agenda page.